9/12 March On D.C.

9/12 March On D.C.
2009, What A Year !

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Return of the Tea Party, Dallas Sun Tea

I love Texas. I have been there twice. Its one of the few states that has its own nation-like feel. Others would be Alaska, Hawaii, UP Michigan, Tennessee, and in a disasterous sense, California. The Texas Govenors Primary recently concluded, with Rick Gardisil Perry, the winner. Senator Kay Hutchinson gave a good effort, but is typecast as a Washington, or Party "insider", which may be fair. Medinas elusive interview (9/11 truther or not? ) with Glenn Beck I think had shown us, that not all Tea Party candidates are "a better option". So Texas still has Perry, which means most likely, we can add Gardisil Rick to the list of frauds in the National GOP Primaries for President in 2012, along with Tim T-Paw-Pragmatist Pawlenty, Govenor from MN, Mitt Socialized Medical Federalist Romney from MA & , Newt of the tiger Gingrich. These guys will stop, but maintain the Big Government ideas from DC. Sarah Palin may reverse it by 5 %, Bobby Jindahl, by 6%, who knows.
I think Ron Paul, as candidate, is done. No offense to the Paulers. I think Mike The Theo-crat Huckabee, is done.
I think our worse potential candidate however is not listed above, but has a grand plan, that is , former Gov. of Florida, Jeb Bush. If the GOP nominates this fraud, I will openly support Obama for a second term...that is, literally, how strongly I am against the concept of royalty, dynasty, and compassionate conservatism.
There are rumblings about a govenor from Indiana, I am still not very familiar with him. Sen Jim DeMint...do we need another Senator? And smooth operator, Paul Ryan, Rep. from WI. The problem I have with Ryan is the things he has voted for, and his pragmatic approach to reform, accepting the premise of the left, and working to draft bills to save socialism, from the socialists. I had once read somewhere that Ryan had read Atlas Shrugged written by Ayn Rand (Americas last founding father). Interesting, he voted for the bailouts under Bush, which makes him "an antagonsist" in the very novel he enjoyed. Is it ok to vote for bailouts, because the party boss said it was (Bush II)?
George, The Free Market Has Failed, Bush?
I advise tea party activists to fight another stunted swing to the right, as we saw with Ike'52, Reagan '80, and Newt '94, and work to self educate ourselves and the next generation on the fundamental principles of freedom as advocated by Ayn Rand in 3 of her most important books, 'Atlas Shrugged', 'The Virtue of Selfishness', & 'Capitalism, The Unknown Ideal'. Freedom, is not better because it is "a more efficient system", as many on the right advocate. A new right, (that needs to end our long slow rotting march to decayed leftist semi-existence) needs to adopt Individual Rights as its central purpose, that a seperation, not only of church & state, but of economics & state is the only solution. That governments purpose is to protect us from bad guys, in the form of police, courts, and strong national defense, and nothing more. A swing, any swing, to the right is good, but its still "a swing", a temporary fix. We need to permanently stop the century long leftist march of America. Propping the door open for the left by saving socialist welfare statist institutions thru "more efficient governance", is not the answer.
Where are the candidates? They simply don't exist yet. If Tea Parties decide to play strictly the "endorse the other guy" game, than in 20 years, Generation Zero will be expected to take up this fight all over, at which time we will see signs such as..." I'm still looking for 'my' job", " I want my 'benevolent' socialist candidate", "Premire Ryan for a fourth term", ect...
It only takes a few, very consistently, principled idealist, to change not just our 20 year course, but our century long course to death, and destruction. Our most powerful weapon, like the founders, is truth. As long as we aim for 1773, we wont end up with 1984, or '94 for that matter.


  1. Interesting blog you’ve got here. To understand the arguments put forth by the “Generation Zero” documentary, it is crucial to distinguish between the actual Baby Boom Generation (born 1942-1954) vs. Generation Jones (1954-1965). GenJones was originally lumped in with the Boomers, but is now generally seen by experts as a separate generation. Understanding the differences between these two generations is central to comprehending this documentary.

  2. hetyd,
    I have not seen the Generation Zero documentary. I meant Generation Zero as a reference point to those who would have to start over again, the fight for freedom. Are you recommending it?
